Ocean Pic

Ocean Pic

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Discovering Your Inner Voice

I believe that everyone has a voice. But some, have a voice that has been locked away as we become older and more sensible, we've talk ourselves out of those ideas, and listened to what society tells us is susceptible till it is unable to utter any sounds at all.

I believe this is one of the biggest problems that people face when we have a craving of want, to strive for something better; even though it is just right in front of our door steps. We become too afraid and timid to open the door, which leads us to think it may become the Pandora's box that we tried so fervently to keep contained.

Therefore, we accept the consequences as is, and we go back to our congenial life style we've created for ourselves, that is a par from our satisfactory.

Isn't it funny?

We already know what we need to be doing, but we've locked away the inner voice that is you, and miraculously, we're holding the key to unlocking our own potential! But you've hid the key so well, even you have a hard time finding where you put the damn thing.

We've convinced ourselves that we need to work hard and suffer, and only until then, are we allowed to reap the rewards in life.

Here is a silly story I've come across whilst listening to a philosopher.

A group of men wanted to reach enlightenment and sought out for a great guru that can teach them their ways of living. Once the men have stumbled upon a guru, they asked desperately, "Guru, how do we reach enlightenment?" The guru gently smiled and responded "You have it already. It is right in front of you." Then the men became frustrated and stormed off thinking, "what a stupid simple guru that was."

The group then found another guru and the men groveled and asked, "Oh great Guru, how do we reach enlightenment?" The guru sighed with disappointment and told the men, "You must shave your heads, wear one set of clothing everyday, and eat meals that are small portions to understand gratitude of life." The men rejoiced and said "Now this! This is the type of arduous training one must do to reach enlightenment!"

Let us remember the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt who announced in his inauguration speech that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.". Know that we are our own fear we fear. We are our own worst enemy. We are our own limits to our limitations.

So now. If you feel as though you do not deserve the things you want out of life, know that you are special. We are all special. Out of the billions of sperm cell's that could have been born instead, it is you that were chosen to live this life and feel the abundant rays of spectrum's that can be experienced through the beautiful life that is you.

Now tell us,

What would you like to tell the universe why you're here?

photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/69214385@N04/8619850011/">Don McCullough</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">cc</a>

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