There's so many sites,
books, news, friends, family that all tell you about hearing the
schemes and later finding out that they're not even rich themselves
or they just don't work! Well do I have good news for you... because
A MONTHLY FEE OF ONLY J-- I'm just kidding ;)
We've all heard it, we all
know it, the saying goes "Money can't buy you happiness"
which is true and Zig Ziglar also points out that
“Money won’t
make you happy… but everybody wants to find out for themselves”
- Zig Ziglar
Which is also true. (I am guilty of this)
I'm here to tell you that in order to become Rich, you must become
"Wait Josh, I don't get it, aren't you successful if you're
Does a person become
successful because he hit the lottery and has a lot of money now? No!
When you look at most of the lottery winners, they all either break
even, go back to where they were, or go bankrupt! Seriously look them
"Poor and most
middle-class people believe “If I have a lot of money, I could do
what I want and I’d be a success.” Rich people understand, “If
I become a successful person, I will be able to do what I need to do
to have what I want, including a lot of money.""
-T Harv Eker
For some of our lovely readers already know,
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal"
-Earl Nightengale
Let's think about it for a second. When you become so interested in a
certain topic or area on a certain subject (ie: lets take your
favorite book for example), doesn't it become so easy to remember
every detailed moment that was beautifully painted by the eloquent
author, and you still can't remember what you ate for breakfast 2
days ago?
That's exactly it!
If you're studying up on a subject or topic you love, you wont break
a sweat because it flows so freely within you! That's why people like
Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Will Smith became very successful because
they loved doing what they love!
Let's pretend for a moment that we have our dream job that aligns
with our core passion in life.
Since you do not mind doing it and learning about that particular
subject because you enjoy it so much, wouldn't you inevitably become
very good at what you do because it comes so second nature to you?
So would it not make sense to be following your heart to become
successful rather than living a menial life that you hate doing to
become financially wealthy?
"Do what you
love and the money will follow"
-Marsha sinetar
Now ask yourself
What do you really enjoy doing, to become successful?
photo credit a Cleavera via a href=httpphotopin.comphotopina a href=httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby2.0cca
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