There comes a time when we
all start to recollect back into the past, to see if our late
judgments have benefited us or not; with the time that we have left
on this planet Earth. Some examples that triggers these effects are:
finding out someone had just gotten married, finding out your friends
younger sibling just graduated, and most of all, when we hit a
certain age that is of significant.
Recently, I received a
pleasant surprise from an old friend of mine, that had gotten in
contact with me via messaging; to soon realize, that they were thousands
of miles away in a different country experiencing a brand-new
participation of what life has to offer.
Immediately, my mind began
to pull files out of my memory cabinet, and started to compare the
earliest memory I had with who I was when I last saw her, to where I
am currently now; without any effort.
There was a dark place in
time, in which I felt very lost and afraid of not knowing how my
future was going to turn out. With no sense of guidance or route for
my life to be on the right path, I was devastated of how my future
might turn out to be exactly the way I live now; I was terrified.
Fast forwarding to after
finding my passion in life, I started working very hard studying to
obtain my goals, and I couldn't care less about my happiness in the
present moment, because I knew it was all going to be worth it in the
future. Although I tried not to care, I was still unhappy.
During that time, a friend
had lent me a book called "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by
Thich Nhat Hanh, which taught me a great lesson of learning how to
live completely in the present moment.
While you're washing the
dishes, to only think about the next dish that is awaiting us, causes
us to hurry to get to the other dish as if they were a nuisance.
Which then, we are not "washing the dishes to wash the dishes".
We lose being in the present moment, and get sucked away into the
future unable to actually live in the present moment.
If you know how to live in
the present moment, you know that you only have to clean that one
dish that is in your hand, which causes us to clean in the present
moment, as if it is the only dish we'll ever have to clean. Then when
you're done, you reach for the next one and start all over again.
“If you are depressed you
are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are
living in the future.
If you are at peace you are
living in the present.”
-Lao Tzu
So when you're feeling
depressed or worried, getting back to the present moment clears it
all away! Because when can you ever feel anything about your past or
future, except the here and now? Therefore, we must realize that we
create our own experience as we go along the way. Only you have the
power to decide how you want to feel every moment of your waking
“You create your own
universe as you go along.”
-Winston Churchill
So decide now, how
would you like to feel?
Source: credit a via a href=httpphotopin.comphotopina a href=httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby2.0cca
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