Many of us encountered at
one point or another, where we had a great idea or a plan that we'd
set for ourselves, and as soon as someone finds out about it, they'll
either put us down for the ridiculous idea, or point out the only
negatives in pursuing those goals, and we slowly become discouraged
and toss the idea away; going back to our conventional life style.
Many great men and women
that walked amongst us has gone through their own trials and
tribulations of being mocked or put down of the absurdity and
audacity that one carried for their own desiring ambition to reach
for the stars, because people are generally not ecstatic of someone
else becoming more successful than they are.
We cannot let others
shape our own destiny because only we have the ability to give power
to others!
A great speaker/author Jim
Rohn has once said
"You are the average of
the five people you spend the most time with"
We are social creatures that
acclimate to our surroundings, so it is vital that we eliminate the
people in our lives that are not good for our mental mind! We should
ask ourselves, what good or what purpose do they have for us to keep
them around? If they offer more negatives than positives, get them
out of your life! They will only make you become more toxic as they
Get yourself some new
friends that are good for your mental health and that will support
you with your endeavors. It may take some time, but if you surround
yourself with people that are stretching and growing, you than too
will becoming a grower naturally. And if you do not have positive
people in your life, I invite you to start reading books of great men
that promotes your lifestyle because as we read, we develop the
positive mindset equivalent to the author of the book, himself.
Some of us may not have the
luxury of being able to avoid certain individuals that are harmful
for us such as, our co-workers, our partners, and even our parents.
In those situations, do not tell them anything about your plans. But
if it is unavoidable, just laugh it off! But don't laugh it off by
agreeing with them saying "Haha, you're right it's never going
to happen!" say instead "Haha, I'll buy you steak when it
happens!" Because what we say out loud is heard by our subconscious mind which governs 95% of your waking moment!
"The best revenge is
massive success"
-Frank Sinatra
When Jesus announced that he
was the son of God, everyone denounced him of such proclamation, and
no one would believe in him! Jesus never faltered, and so should we!
Remember, most people cannot
see the light. They are trapped in darkness which causes them
distress. Do not let darkness take over the light that is emanating
within you!
"First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-Mahatma Gandhi
So I ask you,
What sort of people will you
allow into your life?
photo credit a Kapsa via a href=httpphotopin.comphotopina a href=httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby-nd2.0cca
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