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Friday, October 31, 2014

Discover Why Believing is Never Enough!

Many of us believe we can be, have, and do so much more with our lives! But how many of us are actually putting in the work that is needed to make those dramatic changes within our lives?

"There is no substitute for hard work."
-Thomas A. Edison

How many of us are waiting for the perfect moment? How many of us are waiting for the perfect opportunity? How many of us are waiting for a magical fairy to knock on our doorstep, to tell us a step by step layout to take appropriate actions? (I'm definitely guilty of this)

I once watched a man ask a guru "If we want to succeed in our life, which of these play a major role: faith, god, effort, or luck?" The guru responds by saying "It's maybe all of them. But to what proportion? So when you say faith, obviously it is something we cannot do anything about. When you say luck, again, it is something we cannot do anything about. When you say god, again, it isn't something you can do anything about. So only thing in your hand, is effort."

It's very easy for us to wait idly until someone comes to show us the way. But for those things we do not have control over, we must leave it onto their hands, and we must do whatever we can with our own hands!

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
-Donald Trump

There is a saying that if you work hard on life, life will be easier on you, and if you take it easy in life, life will be harder on you. But I believe this is only applicable to those that make life difficult by waiting till one is late on their bill payments to cause the light's to cut off, only then to start working 100% of their true potential to pay off the debt.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it" is a statement that was created for a reason!
Neither I nor people you know can make the changes, but you! So with the goals that you have placed within your mind, decide now that in order to obtain them, we must start working towards it instead of idly hoping for it to happen!

If you work towards nothing, you'll receive nothing. If you work towards greatness, you'll receive greatness. If you work towards mediocrity, you'll receive mediocrity. And as the bible says, you reap what you sow.

Tyler Perry has once said "when a seed is planted in the ground, all you can do is water it. you cannot control the sunshine, you cannot control the weather, you cannot know when the locust will come and destroy it. All you can do is water it and believe."

So decide now to plant the seeds of what it is that you want, water the seeds for it to grow by working hard towards what you want and finally, believe it will happen.

I'd like to leave you with the question:

Are you satisfied with the crops you've harvested this year? If not,

What can you sow, to reap what you would want next year?

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