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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why Quitting Your Job Can Save Your Life

How many of us have sold our time and soul for the pure intent of monetary paper to survive, which cannot afford with any amount for the beautiful encapsulated moments, of the remarkable life that we are privileged to partake in? I am one of the guiltiest member there is...

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
-Ben Franklin

I got myself into an insurance company, which at the time, I was succumbed on performing whatever it took to becoming rich, and live a luxurious lifestyle which would bring admiration to my friends and family of what a success I'd become.

With my innate ability of interpersonal skills, it was inevitable that I had become very good after a long time. I watched as my cash rolled in, wallet got larger, and experienced having generated a month worth of paycheck from my last job within a short 3 days.

As I had felt I was at the pinnacle of my success in life, I asked myself "What's next?" "Is this it?" "Am I enjoying the fruits of my labor?". Then I had realized, I'd blown my entire life around this career, which therefore, miss my own mother and sister's birthday, my grandmothers 80th celebration, hanging out with my best friend, and every holiday within all just a short year.

I was so blinded, that I had forgotten that money is just a tool. It is supposed to make our lives easier, not harder; because what good is money, if you can't purchase being next to the ones you love?

Grateful am I, to have gained this prolific knowledge and be liberated within a short period of time, as to some are still imprisoned by their own greed to not realize, it is of no value, compared to the value of human life experience.

Maybe you yourself are experiencing this as we speak.

Are you working in a job you don't like? Are you working in a job solely for security purposes? Does your human spirit weigh more beneficial to stay at that job, or better leaving?

I understand. You have needs to feed yourself, pay the bills, dependents to take care of and so forth.

But realize what we are doing is, we're doing things we don't like doing, in order to go on living, that is to go on doing things we don't like doing. Then sooner or later, we'll be bringing up children to live the same sort of manner we're living in, and have them pursue the same depressing route, which is a foolish decision.

"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

So instead of taking part in a cycle of senseless choice, I'd like to ask you,

What personal value would you like to contribute, for the benefit of your own self existence and to others?

photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/seyyed_mostafa_zamani/5860896468/">seyed mostafa zamani</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">cc</a>

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