Ocean Pic

Ocean Pic

Friday, October 31, 2014

Discover Why Believing is Never Enough!

Many of us believe we can be, have, and do so much more with our lives! But how many of us are actually putting in the work that is needed to make those dramatic changes within our lives?

"There is no substitute for hard work."
-Thomas A. Edison

How many of us are waiting for the perfect moment? How many of us are waiting for the perfect opportunity? How many of us are waiting for a magical fairy to knock on our doorstep, to tell us a step by step layout to take appropriate actions? (I'm definitely guilty of this)

I once watched a man ask a guru "If we want to succeed in our life, which of these play a major role: faith, god, effort, or luck?" The guru responds by saying "It's maybe all of them. But to what proportion? So when you say faith, obviously it is something we cannot do anything about. When you say luck, again, it is something we cannot do anything about. When you say god, again, it isn't something you can do anything about. So only thing in your hand, is effort."

It's very easy for us to wait idly until someone comes to show us the way. But for those things we do not have control over, we must leave it onto their hands, and we must do whatever we can with our own hands!

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
-Donald Trump

There is a saying that if you work hard on life, life will be easier on you, and if you take it easy in life, life will be harder on you. But I believe this is only applicable to those that make life difficult by waiting till one is late on their bill payments to cause the light's to cut off, only then to start working 100% of their true potential to pay off the debt.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it" is a statement that was created for a reason!
Neither I nor people you know can make the changes, but you! So with the goals that you have placed within your mind, decide now that in order to obtain them, we must start working towards it instead of idly hoping for it to happen!

If you work towards nothing, you'll receive nothing. If you work towards greatness, you'll receive greatness. If you work towards mediocrity, you'll receive mediocrity. And as the bible says, you reap what you sow.

Tyler Perry has once said "when a seed is planted in the ground, all you can do is water it. you cannot control the sunshine, you cannot control the weather, you cannot know when the locust will come and destroy it. All you can do is water it and believe."

So decide now to plant the seeds of what it is that you want, water the seeds for it to grow by working hard towards what you want and finally, believe it will happen.

I'd like to leave you with the question:

Are you satisfied with the crops you've harvested this year? If not,

What can you sow, to reap what you would want next year?

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Thursday, October 30, 2014


To those who struggle in the midst of anguish from men who deny our ideas; to follow our dreams and aspirations in life. Let us rejoice to shed our old, to be reborn the greatness that the universe conceived us as, and to our great men who henceforth, what say you?

“Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self Reliance

For a moment, let us go back in to time, when you had encountered someone disagreeing with your thoughts or ideas, and paint that specific person beautifully in your mind. Add details to the images of what type of person that was, who they were, and why they said, what they said. Perfect! Gaze at the master piece you have drawn onto the canvas and tell me, how does this person equate to the image of who you want to be in your life?

What qualifications? What backgrounds? What resources does this individual have to educate you on a subject they have nothing of? If a man was to work towards becoming rich, does it make sense to listen to his friend, who has a gambling problem? Is it wise to follow a system, to lose weight from a person who is obese? If an individual stopped pursuing their dreams, what good or purpose does it serve you, to do what they're doing?

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
- Albert Einstein

I'm here to tell you, YOU MUST LISTEN TO THEM...

Listen to them well...

and do the EXACT opposite of what they say! Learn from their mistakes!

If that person quits on his/her dreams, start pursuing yours! If that person doesn't read 30 minutes a day on a subject to follow their dreams, start reading 30 minutes a day! If that person isn't shooting for the moon, you must “Shoot for the moon. Because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” -Norman Vincent Peale

Do not take it personal when a person has put out their own fire and wants to put out yours. They just want us to suffer the cold together. When the time comes, be humble, and lend them your light if they are wished to be helped, so we can all dance around the fire together.

I'd like to give you one of the most beautiful proclamation left by one of the most inspiring man I have ever had the privilege of living in the same life time with.

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
-Steve Jobs

I'll end by asking you again... What say you?

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Discovering Greatness You Never Knew You Had

To the moments when you're jogging and you start feeling tired and your legs are giving out...
The cake that is being offered, and knowing that you're on a diet to lose weight...
The feeling of depression setting in because Life has you on the edge of its cliff...
The moments when you slowly start convincing yourself, "it's ok if I give in just this one time..."
I'm here to slay those moments, and to abolish any thoughts alike, so you can dig deep within yourself and discover the diamonds you never knew you had.

I'd like to start off by asking, what are some things in life, that you have given up on?
What dreams, what goals, what ideas, have you already convinced yourself into talking out of those plans?

"Well, I probably wont be a pro football player..." "It's ok if I have just one bite of this cake..." "It'll be fine if I start drinking again, I can handle it..."

Those are the moments in your life, when you must dig deep within yourself and know that it's hard. This is the time when you must do whatever it takes to complete them, because you know deep down inside, that you are better than that! We must hold ourselves accountable if we are to become greater than ourselves. Know that you're not alone, I'm facing this as we speak.

When I found myself researching that it takes an average of 14 days to 21 days performing tasks every day to form a new habit, I wrote my goals down immediately with one of them being "WRITE GREAT QUALITY POSTS EVERY DAY!".

With my view counts and popularity going up quicker than I had anticipated, I caught myself thinking

"I'll be ok if I skip one post for today..."
"I'm doing fine, no need to sweat so hard..."
"I have 3 saved posts I haven't posted up, so lets just rest."

Then another side of me crashed in saying


Although I am tired, and just want to take a break, I knew my genuine side of me was right.

We must remember, there are others that are less fortunate and would give anything to have what you have. Whether it is a perfectly functioning arm. Legs. Eyes. a home. a family. Whether they are good or bad, we must never take them for granted!

You owe it to those that are less fortunate than you are!
You owe it to your parents that brought you to this life!
And most importantly, you owe it to yourself! Because know that you're the only one that has to feel the painful process of directing your own life which gives you the power to govern your own reality!


I know its hard... But for those of you that's hanging on, don't give up on your dreams. I promise you, with every post that I publish, I will give you my all knowing that I could easily die tomorrow.

So let us not give up when we are tired of running, and be blessed we have a healthy pair of legs to keep on running. Let us not give in to temptation which limits our growing process of becoming the highest version of ourselves. Let us remember to be grateful for what we have, that others do not, and keep moving forward for our Pursuit of Happiness.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
-John F. Kennedy

I'd like to thank you for reading this post, and I'll leave you with this question.

Who do you owe it to?

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Never Worry, and Live Fully Now!

There comes a time when we all start to recollect back into the past, to see if our late judgments have benefited us or not; with the time that we have left on this planet Earth. Some examples that triggers these effects are: finding out someone had just gotten married, finding out your friends younger sibling just graduated, and most of all, when we hit a certain age that is of significant.

Recently, I received a pleasant surprise from an old friend of mine, that had gotten in contact with me via messaging; to soon realize, that they were thousands of miles away in a different country experiencing a brand-new participation of what life has to offer.

Immediately, my mind began to pull files out of my memory cabinet, and started to compare the earliest memory I had with who I was when I last saw her, to where I am currently now; without any effort.

There was a dark place in time, in which I felt very lost and afraid of not knowing how my future was going to turn out. With no sense of guidance or route for my life to be on the right path, I was devastated of how my future might turn out to be exactly the way I live now; I was terrified.

Fast forwarding to after finding my passion in life, I started working very hard studying to obtain my goals, and I couldn't care less about my happiness in the present moment, because I knew it was all going to be worth it in the future. Although I tried not to care, I was still unhappy.

During that time, a friend had lent me a book called "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Thich Nhat Hanh, which taught me a great lesson of learning how to live completely in the present moment.

While you're washing the dishes, to only think about the next dish that is awaiting us, causes us to hurry to get to the other dish as if they were a nuisance. Which then, we are not "washing the dishes to wash the dishes". We lose being in the present moment, and get sucked away into the future unable to actually live in the present moment.

If you know how to live in the present moment, you know that you only have to clean that one dish that is in your hand, which causes us to clean in the present moment, as if it is the only dish we'll ever have to clean. Then when you're done, you reach for the next one and start all over again.

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
-Lao Tzu

So when you're feeling depressed or worried, getting back to the present moment clears it all away! Because when can you ever feel anything about your past or future, except the here and now? Therefore, we must realize that we create our own experience as we go along the way. Only you have the power to decide how you want to feel every moment of your waking life.

“You create your own universe as you go along.”
-Winston Churchill

So decide now, how would you like to feel?

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Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Reach Your Peak Potential in All Areas of Your Life

Many people want to be the "best" they can possibly be, but how can this be achieved without having to ingesting a pill, like the NZT-48 from the movie "Limitless"?

Here is a short story that may guide you.

There was once a man that had a beautiful family whom the kids loved dearly, that the father would take the time to give them their undivided attention when it was needed.

Through the man's bold ambition to take care of his family, he decided to open up a new restaurant. Immediately, the store became the talk of the town for having the best Miso Soup. Every day during lunch time, the restaurant would be packed with people waiting in line that would wrap around the store three times over with hungry patrons wanting their meals. The business was doing tremendously well.

With the man's new pride, he decided to cut some corners by adding more water into his famous Miso Soup. For a good length of time, the mans profits grew as his quality lessened. As this went on, the man realized, he had no more customers and his family became more distant of him. With this new dilemma, he panicked and brought his top quality Miso Soup back, but it was too late. The man finally realized that the customers had been lied to, and he was cutting corners with his kids by not giving them their full attention as they used to receive.

Here is a visual representation to wrap your head around what is actually happening with your life.

Imagine a river that has a formation of a spiders web, and each point of intersection represents an area of your life. When you start cutting corners at work, the point of intersection will start flowing towards other points of intersections such as, cutting corners doing homework, cutting corners at home, and cutting corners taking care of yourself; so the river will keep spreading through your whole areas of life, until all the rivers are flowing the exact same way.

Remember when your mom used to say how messy your room was, and it represents your life? There is some truth to that.

From the book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg, their research shows that:

  • "People who exercise start eating better, becoming more productive at work, smoke less, show more patience with colleagues and family, use credit cards less frequently, and feel less stressed."
  • "Making your bed every morning correlates with better productivity, greater sense of well being, and strong skills to sticking to budget."

Still unclear as to why this phenomenon triggers positive outcomes in many different areas of life, but it does happen!

So in order to be the best that we can possibly be in all areas of our life, you don't have to work on each individual areas, just start focusing doing very well in one particular area, and it will slowly but surely flow towards all area's of your life.

"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop."

Every action you make, either makes you, or breaks you.
You have the power each and every day to do what you know is right, and gradually, as you become persistent in your progress, it will effect your entire life.

So what are some choices in life, you can change right now for the better?

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

The 3 Easy Steps to Creating New Habits

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

Many of us have dreams and goals that we want to obtain whether it's getting good grades, to lose weight, or to become successful in life. But none of those things can be achieved, until we learn to implement new habits within our lives.

I used to suffer from a severely bad case of acne around my whole face.
  1. My face was red 24/7
  2. People would ask me if it hurts when I touch my face
  3. It was making me miserable inside.

Don't get me wrong, I washed my face everyday, I applied topical creams, avoid touching my face, anything I found researching that might help. Finally, I decided to go to a dermatologist who gave me a prescription which got rid of 75% which I was very proud of, but they all came back shortly after the treatment ended.

I soon began trying a new approach called a "holistic diet" which I blended fruits and vegetables every day for a week straight every morning, which in my astonishment after a short week, my skin became silky smooth with a minor pimples here and there, but I couldn't complain!

But as soon as I slack off and skip the diet, couple of days later, all the acne comes back like a swarm of bees.

So here are "The 3 Easy Steps to Creating New Habits"

  • Knowledge – Find out WHAT it is that you need to do, and why you need to do them! (ie: following the Holistic Diet to try and get rid of my acne problem)

  • Skills – Find out HOW you need to do them and why you need to do them! (ie: researching the types of fruits and vegetables that are key components to get clear skin, and go purchase them in an organic fruits and vegetable store)

  • Desire – What is your MOTIVATION to do what it is that you want out of this experience! (ie: to get clear skin, and not feel dreadful about myself)

My last optional recommended steps are, to write your goals down, and reward yourself!
When you write down your goals, you start on investing within yourself that you want those goals bad enough. And after you write them down, it becomes very hard for your integrity, to go back on your own words. Because when you stare into the piece of paper you have written on, you'll know deep down that in order to become better, we must become better, so we do it any ways!

"Successful people do what they do, whether they feel like it or not!"
-Brian Tracy

And I believe rewarding yourself is very important. I used to binge on a game called League of Legends whenever I have down time, but now I only allow myself to play a match when I finish my daily habits!

So what are some habit's you'll start creating for yourself?

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

How to Bust Through the Impenetrable Walls of Life

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
-Dr Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Many of us have experienced this one time or another, where we seem to hit a brick wall that disables us to pass through the road we've set out for ourselves. The bricks are towering over us with strong mortar, that appears to be an immovable object that is complacent in where it stands, and it is here to stay.

It disempowers many of us standing before the wall. Some of us either decide to accept being unable to progress, or others will find a way to get across by catapulting ourselves high above the wall, digging below to get across, or find the nearest bulldozer that is labeled "YOU CAN'T STOP ME"

Once upon a time, I caught myself at the lowest point in my life which made me physically and mentally ill with utter defeatedness in pursuing my challenging goal. I refused to get out of bed, I refused to eat anything but junk food, and I sure as hell didn't want anyone to tell me to be positive! I was ready to try anything at this point to help aid my situation by either waiting for a magical fairy to walk through my door, convert myself to any religion that will take care of me, or just giving it all up. It was a painful time.

I came across a certain speaker who brought tears of ecstasy into my life that enabled me to keep tackling my problem, and this great speaker gave the most honest, heartfelt speech that resonated with the position I was in, and he said,

"Don't cry to give up! Cry to keep going! You already in pain, you already hurt! Get a reward from it!"
-Eric Thomas

And he was right!

If you're walking down the path to your goal and you happen to trip and fall, don't fall backwards because you're in pain, fall forward to keep on going!

1954, Elvis Presly was fired and told by the manager of the Grand Ole Opry after one performance, that he should go back to driving a truck because he would never make it as a singer.

1995, J.K. Rowling was divorced, living on welfare, and submitted Harry Potter to 12 publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript.

2011, Donald Trump files for Bankruptcy for the fourth time, and still remains as one of the top businessmen with a net worth of 4 billion.

You're already trapped in the storm! So why not move directly into the eye of the storm, and see the blissful light that is ahead for you, because everything else becomes secondary.

Now I'm not saying its going to be easy. We're going to be put to the test of who we are, and what we're made of; since many of us may not be able to handle the defeats and throw in the towel when we're being beaten by life.

But for those of us who see's greatness within themselves, and see the light at the end of the tunnel, we will join the great men that have walked before us, and smile when we take our last breathe in this world and say "I did everything I wanted in this life, and I have no regrets". Heaven is truly on Earth, but it is what we make of it here and now.

So I'd like to end this by saying,

If others can do it, can't you do it as well?

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Friday, October 24, 2014

How To Never Let Others Bring You Down

Many of us encountered at one point or another, where we had a great idea or a plan that we'd set for ourselves, and as soon as someone finds out about it, they'll either put us down for the ridiculous idea, or point out the only negatives in pursuing those goals, and we slowly become discouraged and toss the idea away; going back to our conventional life style.

Many great men and women that walked amongst us has gone through their own trials and tribulations of being mocked or put down of the absurdity and audacity that one carried for their own desiring ambition to reach for the stars, because people are generally not ecstatic of someone else becoming more successful than they are.

We cannot let others shape our own destiny because only we have the ability to give power to others!

A great speaker/author Jim Rohn has once said
"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"

We are social creatures that acclimate to our surroundings, so it is vital that we eliminate the people in our lives that are not good for our mental mind! We should ask ourselves, what good or what purpose do they have for us to keep them around? If they offer more negatives than positives, get them out of your life! They will only make you become more toxic as they are!

Get yourself some new friends that are good for your mental health and that will support you with your endeavors. It may take some time, but if you surround yourself with people that are stretching and growing, you than too will becoming a grower naturally. And if you do not have positive people in your life, I invite you to start reading books of great men that promotes your lifestyle because as we read, we develop the positive mindset equivalent to the author of the book, himself.

Some of us may not have the luxury of being able to avoid certain individuals that are harmful for us such as, our co-workers, our partners, and even our parents. In those situations, do not tell them anything about your plans. But if it is unavoidable, just laugh it off! But don't laugh it off by agreeing with them saying "Haha, you're right it's never going to happen!" say instead "Haha, I'll buy you steak when it happens!" Because what we say out loud is heard by our subconscious mind which governs 95% of your waking moment!

"The best revenge is massive success"
-Frank Sinatra

When Jesus announced that he was the son of God, everyone denounced him of such proclamation, and no one would believe in him! Jesus never faltered, and so should we!

Remember, most people cannot see the light. They are trapped in darkness which causes them distress. Do not let darkness take over the light that is emanating within you!

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-Mahatma Gandhi

So I ask you,

What sort of people will you allow into your life?

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Why Confusion is the Best Discovery to Life

Have you ever experienced a time when you had a satisfactory day, and although it was normal, towards the end of the day when you are alone, you start to get a feel of something missing in your life as if a piece of you was just not there and you can feel it, but unable to explain?

No I'm not here to preach to you about the word of God, nor tell you that you need to find a partner (I have nothing against any of those ideas because they may be of great aid to you as well). But in order to bring peace to your endeavor, let us clean off all the muck within our core, to find the true color of who we really are.

The great playwright Oscar Wilde once said,
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."

In turn

Give a man something to hide behind, he will show his true self.

We can see this everywhere within life around us from the people hiding behind a computer and leaving hateful comments, to behaving how we really are when no one is watching.

How well do we really know ourselves?
How well do we fair against our own judgments?
How do we act towards people in public versus what is actually on our mind?

We have learned to develop a second mask for ourselves because of what society or parents have told us what the right ways are, to conduct life. 

In the western world, it is very strange for one to lock eye contact with a complete stranger, and to smile and say "HELLO!", but in a little place called Sierra Leone in Africa, that is completely normal way to conduct every day life!

I am not saying that one way is better than the other since everyone has a different personality, but a fictitious personality that is built for pleasing others, may hinder your process of finding out who you truly are.

But once you've truly freed yourself of who you really are, you begin to look at life with limitless possibilities, and break down walls that people have told us that is impossible to do as you once did when you held a childlike heart!

"Every child is an artist. The problem is remaining an artist once we grow up."
-Pablo Picasso

No one can show us the answer, but only we can find it for ourselves since we know ourselves best!

So I'd like to ask you

Who are you? And who is the child like heart that you've left behind?

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Guaranteed Step to Becoming Successful in Your Life

Perfect! You know exactly what you want out of life (after reading many of my posts) that brings you meaning and fulfillment! Here comes the most important piece of knowledge that will give you what you want. Are you ready?

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy."
-Dale Carnegie

We hear the saying "He talks the talk, but can he walk the walk?" and it's something we've heard so much, that we don't give it our full attention anymore. Are we taking the steps that we need to take the plunge? Are we putting in the work that we've envisioned for ourselves? Are we taking the time to actually do what it is that we need to do, to get to where we want to go in life?

You can tell me all the reasons WHY you want to do the things you want in life, but if you don't tell me HOW you're going to do it, there is absolutely no chance that you will ever become what you want to be!

Would Thomas Edison illuminate the world with his invention if he only talked about it? Would Martin Luther King Jr. become a great orator of his time if he only thought about it? Would John. F. Kennedy promise the United States of the America to be the first one to reach the moon if he didn't act on how he was going to do it?

It's very simple to say what we're going to do, but very hard to do. If it was easy, everyone would have their ideal weight, have a business that they want, and live the life exactly according to their own blue prints!

Stop reading this post if you already know what it is that you need to be doing, and work on it!

"The Path to success is to take massive, determined action."
-Tony Robbins

If you feel as if that your life is way too difficult to take the leap that you need, to act on those ideas, I invite you to start reading books of biographies of famous individuals that went through hardships and I promise you, you will have the enlightening moments of "If he can do it, I can do it!"

There are two ways our lives will change starting from today.

1. We read this post, and we decide not to do anything.

2. We decide to take action!
Even if its something small as to read an article or watch a video about it, you're one step further than the rest of your competition that has decided to do nothing! We're now taking the initiative to learn more about that topic, which will get us to invest on our ideal goals and start working towards them!

I'd like to ask you,

If you keep doing what it is that you're currently doing, will you get the results you want?

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Best Proven and Effective Way to Becoming Rich

There's so many sites, books, news, friends, family that all tell you about hearing the newest "HOW TO MAKE MONEY QUICK" schemes and later finding out that they're not even rich themselves or they just don't work! Well do I have good news for you... because with my BRAND NEW PRODUCT THAT WILL MAKE YOU INSTANTLY RICH BY PAYING A MONTHLY FEE OF ONLY J-- I'm just kidding ;)

We've all heard it, we all know it, the saying goes "Money can't buy you happiness" which is true and Zig Ziglar also points out that

Money won’t make you happy… but everybody wants to find out for themselves”
- Zig Ziglar

Which is also true. (I am guilty of this)

I'm here to tell you that in order to become Rich, you must become Successful.

"Wait Josh, I don't get it, aren't you successful if you're rich?"

Does a person become successful because he hit the lottery and has a lot of money now? No! When you look at most of the lottery winners, they all either break even, go back to where they were, or go bankrupt! Seriously look them up!

"Poor and most middle-class people believe “If I have a lot of money, I could do what I want and I’d be a success.” Rich people understand, “If I become a successful person, I will be able to do what I need to do to have what I want, including a lot of money.""
-T Harv Eker

For some of our lovely readers already know,
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal"
-Earl Nightengale

Let's think about it for a second. When you become so interested in a certain topic or area on a certain subject (ie: lets take your favorite book for example), doesn't it become so easy to remember every detailed moment that was beautifully painted by the eloquent author, and you still can't remember what you ate for breakfast 2 days ago?

That's exactly it!

If you're studying up on a subject or topic you love, you wont break a sweat because it flows so freely within you! That's why people like Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Will Smith became very successful because they loved doing what they love!

Let's pretend for a moment that we have our dream job that aligns with our core passion in life.
Since you do not mind doing it and learning about that particular subject because you enjoy it so much, wouldn't you inevitably become very good at what you do because it comes so second nature to you?

So would it not make sense to be following your heart to become successful rather than living a menial life that you hate doing to become financially wealthy?

"Do what you love and the money will follow"
-Marsha sinetar

Now ask yourself

What do you really enjoy doing, to become successful?

photo credit a href=httpswww.flickr.comphotosalancleaver4375850315Alan Cleavera via a href=httpphotopin.comphotopina a href=httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby2.0cca

Monday, October 20, 2014

The #1 Reason Why Some People Succeed While Others Never Will

There are only two reasons why we as humans do anything in life.
1. Is Pleasure. To feel good and chase after things that tends to put a smile on our faces.
2. Is Pain. To avoid getting hurt physically, mentally, or spiritually.
It is not your fault that you fear pain, because everyone has it! It is an engraved feature that was put in place for the success of the human evolution! If a friend of yours tells you that his mother was just eaten by a T-Rex, would you be jumping for joy and can't wait to see and hug a T-Rex? Of course not! So we avoid them as much as possible so we don't get eaten ourselves.
If you're reading this, chances are your top fears will be things like asking some one to go to prom, small harmless snakes/spiders, or having no internet connection.
Unfortunately, while we have all the luxuries in the world, there are kids in 3rd world countries that have to deal with their heads being cut off the next day, if they don't find certain gems that is of worth value to the market place.
We're so fortunate enough to live in one of the most wealthiest countries in the world that men have been working towards for thousands of years. Yet we still take it for granted.
I ask you, what is the benefit of not pursuing your dreams?
If you follow your dreams, you may get rejected, get yelled "No" to your face and consequent through getting criticized of your failed work.
But if we refuse our pursuit of happiness, we are already in pain! Because we're not following those dreams! Isn't that so? So you still experience pain which you tried so desperately to avoid. And if we decide to just tip-toe through life so we wont step on anyone's toes, we will never get to go where we want to go because you can't please everyone!
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby
Here are the top 3 things that people say when they are on their death beds.
(Counting down)
3. "I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings"
2. "I wish I hadn't worked so hard"
1. "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me"
Many people die with many regrets in their lives because we all try to avoid pain.
As pain is the number one source of failure, we must learn how to rid of our fears so then we can make room for our success.
"May you always do what you are afraid to do"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
So I'd like to ask you again, what is the benefit of not pursuing your dreams?


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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Amazingly Easy and Effective Method on How To Find Your Fulfillment in Life

Benjamin Franklin once said "Many people die at the age of 25 but don't get buried till their 75"
It means that some of us agreed to living a day to day life going to a job that has little to no meaning or purpose other than getting a paycheck each month, and not having fulfillment to complete something great for our own lives that we know would give us the gratification we want and deserve!
"If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You’ll be doing things you don’t like doing in order to go on living — that is, to go on doing things you don’t like doing. Which is stupid. Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way"-Alan Watts

What if Money were no Object?

I invite you to watch a 3min video clip of Alan Watt's when you have time. (the link above)

There was once a teacher who taught the most wealthiest children in Calcutta India for over twenty years. She overlooked the ghetto slums that was near her well maintained neighborhood, and didn't try to go out of the comforts of her own self interest.
One night, a women cried out for help in desperation and collapsed onto the arms of this teacher. Realizing that the collapsed women was in a dire situation, she decided to carry her to the nearest hospital and they told her to wait. Realizing that this ill women doesn't have much time left, she decided to take her to multiple hospitals that would accept her. Despite her courageous effort, the hospital saw this women as some one as a low social status, so she was unimportant to them. Finally, the teacher had decided to take her into her home.
Later that night, she died in the comfort of this teachers loving arms. At this moment, she declared that this will never happen again to anyone within her reach. And this teacher was later known to be The Great Mother Teresa.

There's a strange phenomenon that occurs to us when we or a loved one that is faced with death that causes us to view the world differently with our profound paradigm shift. We start to realize the more important things and have a sense of gratification within our own lives.
"There's something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now."
-Angelina Jolie
So instead of waiting for a doctor letting you know you have only a certain amount of time left for you to take action in your life,  I'd like to leave you with this hard pondering question.
If you found out you only have 6 months left to live and money is no object and it does not exist,
What would like to be doing right now?
But there's a catch.
1. It can't be traveling (a common answer)
2. It can't be related to family
3. or friends. (because for a moment, we're going to focus on our OWN personal interest)
Now, What would you like to do with the time that you have left on this planet Earth?

photo credit a href=httpswww.flickr.comphotosalyssafilmmaker4000009470Alyssa L. Millera via a href=httpphotopin.comphotopina a href=httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby2.0cca

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Easy Powerful Technique on How To Always Be Motivated 24/7

Recently, I had someone ask “Why Don’t I have any Energy or Motivation and feel Depressed all the time?”
One of the biggest obsticles for people that have goals and desires are that we become accustomed to a comfortable life style, which causes us to stop stretching and stop growing!
I caught myself in the same situation when I was living a “comfortable” life.
I had a steady paced job which gave me my ideal financial situation to afford for housing, food, expenses, and entertainment. Although I didn’t particularly enjoy my job, it was an easy one.
After I was kicked out of my house and lost my job, I had no time to be depressed since I became so focused on situating having a roof over my head, and having food in my stomach, I was kicked into gear like any wild animal would when they are trapped into a corner.
“The Opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice. It is conformity”-Earl Nightengale
I am not advocating that you should put yourself in a strenuous situation, but I’m not saying that you shouldn’t either, because it may develope into a great teaching.
But why should it take someone to have to be put into a series of unfortunate event to make us grow?
Let’s take Ken Jeong for example. (You probably know him as The Asian Guy from Hangover “Mr. Chow”)
Not many people know this, but before he became a full time actor, he was a full time Doctor of Internal Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in California. He has always wanted to get into comedy, but wasn’t sure exactly how he was going to do it. But by the time his twin daughters became the age of 1, his wife was diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of breast cancer. As his wife was going through chemotherapy, she encouraged Ken to drop his career as a doctor, and to follow his dream as a comedian. As hard as it was to plunge into the Unknown, he promised her that he would for the sake of his wife, and became the naked Asian gangster we know and love today.
I once knew of a colleague who had to hold down 3 different jobs working none stop.
As we were conversing about our work and about how her boyfriend is a lazy bum who sat at home, she began to unload her frustration towards her life, and how stupid this work was. The curious cat that I am, I began to interogate her situation and asked why she was still working in places she doesn’t like, and live a life she doesn’t enjoy? Her answer to me was “To be honest, although I may hate many things about my life, but every morning when I wake up next to my beautiful new born baby boy, all of my worries and sorrows drifts away because he gives me my sense of fulfillment in life as a mother.”
Do you see the secret?
If I told you that one of your loved ones that you really care about, is on life support and has to pay off the debts that is accumlating over time to keep that person alive, what would you be doing right now?
You see that? You don’t need Motivation at this point, because there are 3 things that is higher than motivation at play here and that is
- Compassion
- Devotion
- and Love
When you stop working towards your own personal interest, and start working towards something that is bigger than yourself, you’ll be working harder than a dog getting his treat out of his treat toy.
I want to run a business!
I want to become a successful blogger!
Turns to…
I want to run a business! So I can feed the starving children and stop world hunger!
I want to become a successful blogger! So I can take care of my mother when she is grey and old and give her the finer things in life, because she deserves it!
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”-Lao Tzu
So instead of working for your self interest, what can you work for that is greater than yourself?