Ocean Pic

Ocean Pic

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Discovering Greatness You Never Knew You Had

To the moments when you're jogging and you start feeling tired and your legs are giving out...
The cake that is being offered, and knowing that you're on a diet to lose weight...
The feeling of depression setting in because Life has you on the edge of its cliff...
The moments when you slowly start convincing yourself, "it's ok if I give in just this one time..."
I'm here to slay those moments, and to abolish any thoughts alike, so you can dig deep within yourself and discover the diamonds you never knew you had.

I'd like to start off by asking, what are some things in life, that you have given up on?
What dreams, what goals, what ideas, have you already convinced yourself into talking out of those plans?

"Well, I probably wont be a pro football player..." "It's ok if I have just one bite of this cake..." "It'll be fine if I start drinking again, I can handle it..."

Those are the moments in your life, when you must dig deep within yourself and know that it's hard. This is the time when you must do whatever it takes to complete them, because you know deep down inside, that you are better than that! We must hold ourselves accountable if we are to become greater than ourselves. Know that you're not alone, I'm facing this as we speak.

When I found myself researching that it takes an average of 14 days to 21 days performing tasks every day to form a new habit, I wrote my goals down immediately with one of them being "WRITE GREAT QUALITY POSTS EVERY DAY!".

With my view counts and popularity going up quicker than I had anticipated, I caught myself thinking

"I'll be ok if I skip one post for today..."
"I'm doing fine, no need to sweat so hard..."
"I have 3 saved posts I haven't posted up, so lets just rest."

Then another side of me crashed in saying


Although I am tired, and just want to take a break, I knew my genuine side of me was right.

We must remember, there are others that are less fortunate and would give anything to have what you have. Whether it is a perfectly functioning arm. Legs. Eyes. a home. a family. Whether they are good or bad, we must never take them for granted!

You owe it to those that are less fortunate than you are!
You owe it to your parents that brought you to this life!
And most importantly, you owe it to yourself! Because know that you're the only one that has to feel the painful process of directing your own life which gives you the power to govern your own reality!


I know its hard... But for those of you that's hanging on, don't give up on your dreams. I promise you, with every post that I publish, I will give you my all knowing that I could easily die tomorrow.

So let us not give up when we are tired of running, and be blessed we have a healthy pair of legs to keep on running. Let us not give in to temptation which limits our growing process of becoming the highest version of ourselves. Let us remember to be grateful for what we have, that others do not, and keep moving forward for our Pursuit of Happiness.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
-John F. Kennedy

I'd like to thank you for reading this post, and I'll leave you with this question.

Who do you owe it to?

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